
  • 名称:【雅思口语跟读】初、中、高
  • 分类:雅思托福  
  • 观看人数:加载中
  • 时间:2023/12/19 22:16:25


I have a pet dog. Its name is Max. Max is very friendly and loves to play with me. I take him for walks every day and he always makes me happy.


I have a pet dog named Max. He is a golden retriever and has been with me for five years. Max is very loyal and always follows me around. I enjoy taking him for long walks in the park and playing fetch with him.


My beloved pet dog, Max, is a golden retriever who has been a part of my life for five years. He is not just a pet, but a loyal companion who brings me joy and comfort. Max loves to go on adventures with me, whether it's hiking in the mountains or simply lounging in the backyard. I cherish every moment spent with him and consider him a cherished member of my family.